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Support International Tourism

Business Overview

The Korea Tourism Organization strives to make Korea a tourism powerhouse visited by people around the globe through future inbound growth.

Strategic Directions

  • Korea to become most visited int’l tourist destination through inbound tourism growth
    (By 2024) 20 million inbound tourists, (By 2027) 30 million inbound tourists
Strategic Directions
  • Extended Themes·Contents Diversify future travel demand through extended boundaries of Korea inbound tourism
  • Segmented Positioning Accelerate travel demand for Korea through target marketing considering stages of travel journey
  • Differentiated Branding Enhance tourist loyalty through increase in Korea tourism brand value
Strategic Tasks
    • Extension and convergence of K-culture and tourism
    • Expansion of high-value tourism content
    • Increase attraction of global MICE to Korea
    • Implementation of specialized marketing in target markets
    • Promotion of Korea tourism via public-private partnership
    • Activation of data-driven marketing
    • Global expansion of Korea’s regional tourism brand
    • Development of sustainable tourism ecosystem
    • Improvement of Korea’s tourism conditions and convenience

Implementation Direction

Expand Korean Inbound Marketing via K-Culture Convergence

  • Increase areas hosting roadshows as a result of drag effect of demands for Korean inbound tourism, establishing a special welcoming mood in connection with Visit Korea Year, and improving recognition and attractiveness of Korea by utilizing K-culture

Strengthen Marketing by Strategic Market and Individual

  • Supply energy to the entire Korean inbound market through advanced marketing for core targets (themes) in each market

Increase Global Marketing Hubs

  • Expand new markets and networks to reach 30 million foreign visitors by 2027

Expand Korean Inbound Tourism Ecosystem Based on Collaboration

  • Expand domain for Korean inbound tourism and secure sustainability through collaboration with e-sports industry and operation of Middle East consultative group, and medical and wellness consultative group